I hate slow sites

Yesterday, I connected to GameSpot to read the review on Fable: The Lost Chapters, after I had beaten it. It connected in no time. Now, I started loading an article on Day of Defeat : Source, and it's taking forever. The thing is, they changed their site last night. It's now a little bit better looking, but it's slow as HELL. I'm looking at a white page and it's been loading for about 3 minutes. When is a software upgrade not worth it? Probably when it takes a lot more time to process and when it takes a lot more time to transmit. They're all about looking good. Who the hell wants to look good when it's compared with loading fast?

Reminds me of a story, a story that was the reason I spent literally 2 years devoted to visiting CNN.com. You remember September 11th. Well, I wanted to browse the web as well as watch TV because I wanted all the information I could get. Well, obviously, about every person with internet in the country was visiting news sites. I visit a few, even like MSN, and all of the pictures are on the site, making the site take forever to download. Even their stupid little background pictures, their logo, everything. This was on every site. Until I got to CNN. They had taken down all of their images, their logo, and everything else, and just had text describing the events. Not too much on one page though, just enough, with links. Everyone always just wants to look pretty, but they don't realize that it's not the same as looking good. What do people want? Not pretty buttons, but information.

[Update] Thankfully, GameSpot's site is much faster now. They must have been having server troubles.