Although more of an obsession nowadays...

Those are games I've bought in the last month. Well, I don't remember when I bought Fable. Rise of Nations : Thrones and Patriots came out a while ago though. It's an expansion pack for Rise of Nations. It's a good game. I'll have more about each game as they slowly take over my life, and I get hooked to each one.
Those cover the spectrum of video games, as pretty much every major genre is represented. I like my video games like I like my music. Varied. Just like in music though, I have a favorite. It's Strategy. Civilization IV, Rise of Nations, and Age of Empires III are all strategy. Fear, Brothers in Arms, and Call of Duty 2 are all first person shooters, and in the genre "Action". That's my second favorite. See, you need more FPS to keep you interested for a while, whereas one strategy game will usually keep you interested for a long time. Well, me anyway. However, FEAR is the best game I've ever played in that genre. Fable is an RPG, and it has the potential to be awesome, but it takes a really long time. Except Fable, which was awesome, but it was too short!! 10-12 hours on a RPG is way too short. You need them to last at least 40 hours.
Games not pictured that I bought in the last month : Serious Sam 2 (sorry Zatko!) and Dragonshard.