Night Owl

I am a night owl. Although it's only 11:46 PM right now, I'd bet $10 that I won't fall asleep until 2am. It's one of those things where I have a lot on my mind at all times. I like playing guitar, I want to buy a mac or some sweet music software (mac's have GarageBand), and play music with drums and violin or other stringed instruments, maybe a synthesized orchestra. Other things I want to do are be on time for work tomorrow, program more for this website, meet people, finish the project at work tomorrow, create new cool software projects, check out what's going on at E3, play video games, make girls laugh, hang out with my family, hang out with my friends, exercise, buy new cool electronics equipment, etc. I have a lot of things on my mind. Who invented this 24 hours in a day thing? If I were alive back then, I would have said "dudes, 24 hours is like way too short or something. We should make it like 100... wouldn't you agree Socrates?" And Socrates and I would raise our glasses full of hemlock and share a toast.